Basic example
Create a list using the div
element. It is not necessary to use ul
Cras justo odio
Dapibus ac facilisis in 14
Morbi leo risus
Porta ac consectetur ac
Vestibulum at eros 7
In the list items you can put absolutely any HTML-code.
Use the .disable
class to turn off the item,
use the links as a list item, add budges and more.
Contextual alternatives
Highlight the list items using contextual classes.
Supported classes
Normal state item are many variations
Normal state item of Lorem Ipsum
Normal state item but the majority have
Div item secondary | default
Normal state item suffered alteration in some form
Div item success
Normal state item randomised words
Normal state item predefined chunks
Link item warning
Normal state item combined with a handful
Div item danger
Normal state item embarrassing hidden in the middle
Link item dark
Normal state item free from repetition